Eltel publishes Annual and Sustainability Report 2023
Printed copies, in Swedish and English, are available as from week 17, and can be ordered at https://www.eltelgroup.com/media/order-printed-material/.
For further information, please contact:
Elin Otter, Director, Communications and Investor Relations
Phone: +46 72 59 54 692, elin.otter@eltelnetworks.com
This information is information that Eltel AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Securities Markets Act. The information was submitted for publication at 08:00 CET on 27 March 2024.
About Eltel
Eltel is the leading service provider for critical infrastructure that enables renewable energy and high-performing communication networks. Eltel designs, plans, builds and secures the operation of networks for a more sustainable and connected world today and for future generations. In total, we have about 5,000 employees and in 2023 the annual sales was EUR 850.1 million. The head office is located in Sweden and Eltel's shares have been listed on Nasdaq Stockholm since 2015. Read more at www.eltelnetworks.com.