Stakeholder dialogue guides our approach

We regularly engage with a variety of stakeholders at different levels across the Group. Stakeholder dialogue on the relevant topics is used to shape our strategic decision-making and Eltel’s Sustainability Plan. By meeting stakeholder expectations, we remain relevant as a partner, employer and investment opportunity.

Stakeholder group

Channels of dialogue

Key topics raised 2023


Ongoing employee dialogue, town hall meetings, internal channels (intranet, newsletters, e-mail, etc), employee engagement survey, workshops Safety and work environment, remuneration and benefits, training, daily performance management, leadership, Code of Conduct, skills development


Continuous customer dialogue, delivery monitoring, customer surveys, market surveys, workshops Quality, specific customer requirements, collaboration/partnerships,
science-based targets, safety and work environment, innovation


Annual General Meeting, quarterly earnings calls, investor dialogue, press releases Business performance including short and long-term implications


Continual supplier dialogue, local supplier meetings, audits, delivery monitoring Pricing and terms, ethics and values, environment, safety and work environment, waste management, climate target setting

Trade unions

Meetings, negotiations Labour law issues, remuneration, work environment, health and safety


Structured monitoring, specialist network GDPR, sustainability (reporting requirements), EU taxonomy, general compliance with laws, ordinances and regulations

Industry and stakeholder organisations, specialist networks

Membership, participation on the board, conferences, training, network meetings Digitalisation, electrification, sustainability, workplace safety


Sustainability reporting, information and contacts on website and in social media Ethics and values, environment, COVID-19 information