Eltel sustainability priority areas

For people and the environment. We consider our priority areas to be our most important priorities in terms of managing our sustainability impacts.

Eltel sustainability is based on five priority areas

Health and safety

Ensuring our employees and subcontractors return home safely every day is our top priority.

More about health and safety

Climate and environment

Eltel aims to manage and minimize the climate and environmental footprint of the projects it delivers in a way that goes beyond its own operations.

More about climate and environment

Our people

Eltel’s goal is to be the most attractive employer in the industry by focusing on employee engagement and development opportunities.

More about our people

Responsible procurement

Eltel places environmental and social demands on its subcontractors and material suppliers – including manufacturers and wholesalers.

More about responsible procurement

Business ethics

Respecting human rights is one of Eltel’s fundamental business principles and involves complying with all applicable laws and regulations as a minimum, as well as Eltel’s policies and agreements with customers, suppliers and other subcontractors.

More about business ethics