The automotive industry is evolving, and Eltel is at the forefront, consistently implementing electric vehicles into our fleet. This aligns with our sustainability goals and e-mobility infrastructure efforts, reinforcing our commitment to a greener future. However, it's not without its challenges, as long delivery times persist due to global supply chain disruptions and high demand.
Progress and a bright future
Amidst these challenges, there is light at the end of the tunnel. Fleet manager, Mats Nyegaard, shares, "Our orders for EVs are arriving more swiftly, and production is gaining momentum. While some automakers still struggle with production backlogs, we’re hoping for a return to the days when car deliveries took just 2 to 3 months”.
Already, we're seeing benefits from our electrified fleet. These include enhanced economic efficiency, reduced service costs, minimal downtime, and a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Our transition from fossil fuels to EVs has been in progress since 2021, and despite the production hurdles, we've made substantial headway.
Norway paving the way
Eltel in Norway is at the forefront of EV adoption, setting a example with its well-advanced electric vehicle market. Our Country Units are taking note and gearing up to follow their example.
In the words of Mats Nyegaard: "Despite initial concerns, the majority of our team members has embraced the transition. I think this serves as a testament to the growing acceptance and enthusiasm for EVs among both individuals and organizations.
Contact Person

Andreas Eriksson
Development Manager, Eltel Group