
Ladda ner våra bilder här.

Håkan Dahlström, President and CEO

Håkan Dahlström, Member of the Board, Eltel
Håkan Dahlström, Member of the Board, Eltel

Håkan Dahlström, President and CEO

Tarja Leikas, CFO

Alexandra Kärnlund, Director, Communications

Pamela Lundin, Director, Business Development

Caroline Lindgren, General Counsel and Head of Sourcing

Juha Luusua, Managing Director, Eltel Finland

Juha Luusua, Eltel
Juha Luusua, Eltel

Lars Nilsson, Managing Director, Eltel Sweden

Claus Metzsch Jensen, Managing Director, Eltel Denmark

Claus Metzsch Jensen, Eltel
Claus Metzsch Jensen, Eltel

Thor-Egel Bråthen, Managing Director, Eltel Norway

Thor-Egel Bråthen, Eltel
Thor-Egel Bråthen, Eltel

Ann Emilson, Member of the Board

Ann Emilson, Member of the Board
Ann Emilson, Member of the Board

Joakim Olsson, Member of the Board

Joakim Olsson, Member of the Board, Eltel
Joakim Olsson, Member of the Board, Eltel

Erja Sankari, Member of the Board

Erja Sankari, Eltel Board
Erja Sankari, Eltel Board

Roland Sundén, Member of the Board

Roland Sundén, Member of the Board, Eltel
Roland Sundén, Member of the Board, Eltel

Stefan Söderholm, Member of the Board

Stefan Söderholm, Eltel
Stefan Söderholm, Eltel

Björn Tallberg, Member of the Board

Bjorn Ekblom, Eltel
Bjorn Ekblom, Eltel




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